Confirm Your Pregnancy
Cost-free limited obstetric ultrasounds so you can know for sure
Pregnancy Testing and Ultrasound Services
A home pregnancy test is an indicator of pregnancy, but it is not a confirmation. Our obstetric ultrasounds help to determine pregnancy viability:
Approximate age of your pregnancy
Determine if the pregnancy is within the uterus
Check for a fetal heartbeat
Confirm if there is a single fetus or multiple
If you think you may be pregnant and have not had an ultrasound yet, contact us today.
Warm, Safe, and Private Place
Before an ultrasound can be scheduled, we will provide a pregnancy test at the center. If the test is positive, we can offer an ultrasound to confirm viability and how far along you are.
We understand the issues facing an unexpected or unsupported pregnancy and are committed to providing you with a warm, safe, and discreet place where you can talk through your options. We can answer questions about pregnancy, abortion, parenting, and your health.​ Contact us to get started today.​